Field days are in development and will be announced soon, stay tuned!
Come see the bean plot and get in on field day specials. The plot is on the south side Hwy 82 approximately 8 miles west of Greenwood located on the Donald Fulgham farm.
We will offer field day specials and tour Jason Hill’s bean plot which is located 1 mile south of Woodland.
Come get in on field day specials for corn, beans and wheat. Go 6 miles east of Delhi on Hwy 80 to Road 577 and turn north, go 1.5 miles and turn east onto Road 579, go about 1 mile to the shop.
Located at the Chester Higginbotham Farm, located on Rt. 16, approximately 4 miles west of Paris, Illinois.
This event is Mark Moeller’s appreciation dinner held at Oakdale Country Kitchen.
Robert Hilmes’ Appreciation Dinner held at the Keys Restaurant in Keysport Illinois.
Jeff Willis’ field day located on the south side of the Greenview/Middletown blacktop about 2 miles west of Middletown or 8 miles east of Greenview.
Jim Howard’s field day located south of Yale to the first road, turn west, go to the second road, turn north and go to the first house on the east side of the road. Liberty Link soybeans are featured!
This event is located at T. Jay Hurford’s farm 3 miles west of Plymouth on Rt 30, turn north onto Queen Road, go 1.5 miles north on the right side of the road
Located at Terry Bartley’s corn plot and field day is located approximately 7 miles east of Salem, IL on Route 50.